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A member registered Apr 19, 2022

Recent community posts

I appreciate your frankness about your use of AI, and I hope you will find an artist for the Steam release. I had a great time playing, and will definitely buy on Steam if AI is not involved.

Oh for sure, I totally get where you're coming from. Thanks for responding! If you ever need a playtester for future versions, just let me know!

A truly cozy game with a very clever mechanic! I ended up writing over 20 pages when I played. I do think a bit of balancing is necessary though. I got into a Hearth-Old Witch-Familiar cycle of doom, and it became difficult as the game went on to find prompts I hadn't done already. I think a good place to start would be excluding the overarching category from the three-letter code. For example, Witchery has WRH, HWO, RRW, and XWR. That's four of six prompts that add another witchery patch to the grid, on top of the one that already exists! Removing the Ws from the Witchery category would provide some better balance. That's really my only complaint, I thought the prompts were fantastic and the experience was delightful. Thank you!

THIS GAME IS AMAZING! I'm a librarian with an archival background, and this is exactly why I love my field - the mystery, the scrubbing of documents for information, the piecing it all together. The game is very polished and robust too, which I was very surprised at for a free game. I'm not finished yet, but I'm excited to finish! Kudos to you, sir, I would have happily paid for this game.

This was a really great introduction into Wretched and Alone games for me! The prompts were thought-provoking and unique enough where I didn't feel like I was treading the same topics again and again. I didn't survive, alas, but I did explore themes of futility and mortality!